March 30, 2006

Peter Doig

Peter Doig

Gasthof, 2003, (some printmaking method...)

This is one of the first Peter Doig images that I came across in an issue of
Parkett. When I tried to search it out later, I discover he has done several versions of this image with different mediums. I like this one the best still. The lines are crisper, which I think is important in this composition. What I like about this image is the Sgt. Pepper-ish costumes and the fact that the man on the left has no legs... curious. And who needs a background? Sometimes I think backgrounds are overrated.

Peter Doig

Another interesting one by Peter Doig, although I am not sure what it is called. Isn't the water just fabulous? And the way the trees just melt into the water? So beautiful.

Peter Doig

Peter Doig

Blotter, 1993
The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

I like the colors that he chooses and the line quality. There is an interesting balance between looseness and exactness. He seems to use water edges with non-beachy landscapes alot. Very interesting. The people in his paintings are doing something very specific, yet remain a bit vague.