September 15, 2007

J. Kirk Richards

I originally credited this piece to the artist Bruce Hixson Smith who I couldn't find very much info about.  I was wrong!  A year or two later, I was looking online at the works of J. Kirk Richards and found this piece in his portfolio.  I saw it in person here a while ago and was in awe. I was so surprised at how beautifully framed it was.  There are a lot of great paintings on his website to check out.

The Baptism of Christ


Anonymous said...

I saw it at BYU too, and was so amazed. The colors, the size, the frame! So gorgeous! Love your blog, by the way!

coriconnors said...

Bruce Smith is not only a fabulous artist but the nicest fellow you'll ever meet. Here's a site with his bio. I've known him a number of years and am also an admirer of his work.
Cori Connors